I tried to notify Zabbix Server of execution error of AWS Lambda function


Since the operation monitoring system is centrally managed by Zabbix, I wanted to notify Zabbix Server of the execution error of the AWS Lambda function, so I tried it.


Added Host / Item / Trigger to Zabbix Server

Host added

Settings> Hosts> Create Host

Host tab

--Hostname: lambda-trapper --Create new group: Lambda --Agent interface --IP address: (default) --Connection method: IP address (default) --Port: 10050 (default) --Valid: On --Other items: Blank

Item added

[Settings]> [Hosts]> [Items]> [Create Item] of lambda-trapper in the host list

--Name: ErrorLog --Type: Zabbix Trapper --Key: errorlog --Data type: String --History retention period (days): 90 (default) --Use value mapping: None (default) --Create application: Logs --Automatic setting of host inventory fields: None (default) --Valid: On --Other items: Blank

Trigger added

[Settings]> [Hosts]> [Trigger]> [Create Trigger] of lambda-trapper in the host list

Trigger tab

--Name: Lambda function execution error --Conditional expression: {lambda-trapper: errorlog.str (example)} = 0 and {lambda-trapper: errorlog.nodata (30)} = 0 --Continue to generate failure events: On --Severity: Severe disability --Valid: On --Other items: Blank

Added logging process to AWS Lambda function

Add logging processing to the existing AWS Lambda function (the function you want to trap execution errors) as follows.



# (abridgement)

import logging

# (abridgement)

#Logger initialization
logger = logging.getLogger()

def lambda_handler(event, context):

        # (abridgement)

        logger.info("Execution succeeded.")
    except Exception, e:
        raise(e)    #Described when you want to record the Python stack trace in the CloudWatch log.

By adding the logging process, the execution result of the AWS Lambda function will be output to CloudWatch. Example of normal end log)

[INFO]	2017-03-01T08:18:31.149Z	a7afba37-fe57-11e6-a428-371557c5f4e7	Execution succeeded.

Abnormal termination log example)

[ERROR]	2017-03-01T09:38:37.966Z	d8c7ede3-fe62-11e6-b58a-7dce3a95f14a	cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

Create AWS Lambda function for Zabbix submission

Create a new AWS Lambda function for Zabbix submission kicked from CloudWatch. By the way, Zabbix Sender module is published in "here" I diverted the code.

AWS Lambda function name




import os
import json
from StringIO import StringIO
import base64
import gzip
from ZabbixSender import ZabbixSender
import logging

ZBX_SERVER = os.environ['ZBX_SERVER']
ZBX_HOST = os.environ['ZBX_HOST']
ZBX_ITEM = os.environ['ZBX_ITEM']
logger = logging.getLogger()

def sender(event, context):
    log_b64 = event['awslogs']['data']
    log_gz = StringIO(base64.b64decode(log_b64))
    jsonData = json.load(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=log_gz, mode='rb'))
    status = jsonData['logEvents'][0]['extractedFields']['status']
    message = jsonData['logEvents'][0]['extractedFields']['event']
    timestamp = int(jsonData['logEvents'][0]['timestamp']) / 1000
    func = os.path.basename(jsonData['logGroup'])

        if status == "ERROR":
            errlog = func + ': ' + message
            sender = ZabbixSender(ZBX_SERVER)
            sender.add(ZBX_HOST, ZBX_ITEM, errlog, timestamp)
        logger.info("Execution Succeeded.")
    except Exception, e:


import socket
import struct
import time
import json

class ZabbixSender:

    log = True

    def __init__(self, host='', port=10051):
        self.address = (host, port)
        self.data    = []

    def __log(self, log):
        if self.log: print log

    def __connect(self):
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            raise Exception("Can't connect server.")

    def __close(self):

    def __pack(self, request):
        string = json.dumps(request)
        header = struct.pack('<4sBQ', 'ZBXD', 1, len(string))
        return header + string

    def __unpack(self, response):
        header, version, length = struct.unpack('<4sBQ', response[:13])
        (data, ) = struct.unpack('<%ds'%length, response[13:13+length])
        return json.loads(data)

    def __request(self, request):
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Failed sending data.\nERROR: %s" % e)

        response = ''
        while True:
            data = self.sock.recv(4096)
            if not data:
            response += data

        return self.__unpack(response)

    def __active_checks(self):
        hosts = set()
        for d in self.data:

        for h in hosts:
            request = {"request":"active checks", "host":h}
            self.__log("[active check] %s" % h)
            response = self.__request(request)
            if not response['response'] == 'success': self.__log("[host not found] %s" % h)

    def add(self, host, key, value, clock=None):
        if clock is None: clock = int(time.time())
        self.data.append({"host":host, "key":key, "value":value, "clock":clock})

    def send(self):
        if not self.data:
            self.__log("Not found sender data, end without sending.")
            return False

        request  = {"request":"sender data", "data":self.data}
        response = self.__request(request)
        result   = True if response['response'] == 'success' else False

        if result:
            for d in self.data:
                self.__log("[send data] %s" % d)
            self.__log("[send result] %s" % response['info'])
            raise Exception("Failed send data.")

        return result

Environment variable



--Runtime: Python 2.7 --Handler: handler.sender --Role: Select an existing role --Existing roll: *

※ Create a role with the following access rights in advance and assign that role.

--Describe, Create, Delete authority to ENI (VPC connection is required to communicate with Zabbix server) --Create permission to LogGroup and LogStream of CloudWatch (for logging output from AWS Lambda function) --Put permission for CloudWatch LogEvent

Create a subscription filter

  1. Click Function (cwl-to-zabbix) for Zabbix transmission from the list of AWS Lambda functions
  2. Click the Triggers tab and click Add Trigger
  3. Click the event source field (inside the dashed frame) and select [CloudWatch Logs] from the source list.
  4. Fill in the fields as shown below and click [Send] --Log group: (Select the log group of the existing AWS Lambda function) * --Filter name: LambdaStream_cwl-to-zabbix --Filter pattern: ``` [status =" ERROR ", timestamp = * Z, request_id =" - ", event]


--We do not consider the case where the AWS Lambda function for sending Zabbix itself is moss. -ZabbixSender Thanks to Gaido Dad for publishing the module. !! ――Serverless is interesting.

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