[Images available] I tried using neofetch on various operating systems!

I found a command called neofetch that displays the logo of the OS in use. I was curious and tried it on various OSs! Ubuntu White version ubuntu_white.png Dark version ubuntu_dark.png

Centos White version centos_white.png Dark version centos_dark.png

Fedora White version fedora_white.png Dark version fedora_Dark.png

Alpine White version alpine_white.png Dark version alpine_dark.png

ArchLinux White version arch_white.png Dark version arch_dark.png

Debian White version debian_white.png Dark version debian_Dark.png

openSUSE White version opensuse_white.png Dark version opensuse_dark.png


I have tried neofetch on various operating systems. Next time, I would like to make an article that explains the sources used for verification.

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