Anaconda environment construction on Mac (2018 version)

** This article is for people who want to use Anaconda on mac. It may not be suitable for those who just want to install Python for study. We recommend that you consider whether you really need pyenv by referring to the article below. ** **

-Flowchart whether pyenv is required --Qiita -Python development environment for macOS using venv 2016

Please install the latest version of homebrew in advance.

  1. Install pyenv

    brew install pyenv

Add the following (make the completion of various commands of pyenv effective)

#For pyenv
if which pyenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv init -)"; fi
  1. Install anaconda Checking the installable packages

    pyenv install -l
    Available versions:

Install the latest anaconda3-5.1.0 at the moment (August 28, 2018).

pyenv install anaconda3-5.1.0

#If you change the global python, it will affect something else, so use it locally
pyenv local anaconda3-5.1.0
  1. Create a virtual environment

    #Below is python3.Build a 5-based anaconda environment
    conda create -n py35 python=3.5 anaconda
    conda info -e #Verification
  2. Enable virtual environment

    #This time activate solves the batting problem with pyenv.
    conda activate py35
  3. Disable virtual environment

    #Deactivate when you finish using
    conda deactivate
  4. Delete when no longer needed

    conda remove -n py35 --all

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