Causes and solutions when python sam build fails in a newly created Cloud9 environment

The beginning of the matter

The other day (one day in September 2020), I tried to output sam (Serverless Application Model) hello world template (runtime is python3.8) in the newly created AWS Cloud9 development environment (platform = AmazonLinux) and try build and deploy. When I tried to build with the "sam build --use-container" command, I encountered the following error. I got an error (Runtime Error: Container does not exist) in the environment I just created, so I got "What ??".

(↓ is for reference, until the hello_world template is output)

ec2-user:~/environment $ sam init --runtime python3.8 -n sam-py38

        SAM CLI now collects telemetry to better understand customer needs.

        You can OPT OUT and disable telemetry collection by setting the
        environment variable SAM_CLI_TELEMETRY=0 in your shell.
        Thanks for your help!

        Learn More:

Which template source would you like to use?
        1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
        2 - Custom Template Location
Choice: 1

Allow SAM CLI to download AWS-provided quick start templates from Github [Y/n]: Y

AWS quick start application templates:
        1 - Hello World Example
        2 - EventBridge Hello World
        3 - EventBridge App from scratch (100+ Event Schemas)
        4 - Step Functions Sample App (Stock Trader)
        5 - Elastic File System Sample App
Template selection: 1

Generating application:
Name: sam-py38
Runtime: python3.8
Dependency Manager: pip
Application Template: hello-world
Output Directory: .

Next steps can be found in the README file at ./sam-py38/
ec2-user:~/environment $ cd sam-py38/

(The place where the sam build command of hello_world output by ↓ becomes RuntimeError)

ec2-user:~/environment/sam-py38 $ sam build --use-container
Starting Build inside a container
Building resource 'HelloWorldFunction'

Fetching lambci/lambda:build-python3.8 Docker container image.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Mounting /home/ec2-user/environment/sam-py38/hello_world as /tmp/samcli/source:ro,delegated inside runtime container
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/sam", line 11, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 764, in __call__
~ (Omitted) ~
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/samcli/local/docker/", line 197, in wait_for_logs
    raise RuntimeError("Container does not exist. Cannot get logs for this container")
RuntimeError: Container does not exist. Cannot get logs for this container

Cause and solution

I did not know the cause intuitively from the error message, so when I contacted AWS support,

Due to insufficient capacity of the EBS volume associated with the EC2 instance in the Cloud9 environment

I received the answer.

I solved it by expanding the capacity of the EBS volume to 20G by referring to the following document.

Resize an Amazon EBS volume used by an environment

The size expansion by this method is also introduced in the article below, and it can be expanded very easily. Increase the disk size of AWS Cloud9

The initial volume size will quickly run out, especially if you're doing docker-related work on Cloud9, so remember how to easily expand the volume as needed using I think it's convenient.

It's easy, but that's it. I hope that fewer people will have trouble with the same problem.

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