[JAVA] Manually build OpenJDK on Windows

A manual build or something that will surely hurt your stomach. Maybe penance. Memorandum. Work according to README.


Environmental preparation

  1. Install Cygwin. It doesn't have to be Cygwin, but you can use whatever you like.
  2. Install the Mercurial client. Install your favorite from here. I installed TortoiseHg because it is weak against sounds that seem to be fun. (Press Next innocently) It seems to be a little popular with ggr and GUI clients
  3. In the case of Cygwin, it seems that the tools required to build OpenJDK are not available, so README Install everything listed in the .html # get_source) table. By the way, you can add the package by starting setup.exe used to install Cygwin again. Proceed in the same way as when installing, and in Select Packages, set View to Not Installed and select the one you need. (The image is an example of zip installation) image.png
    A list of things to install that comes up after pressing Next. image.png

Build version

  1. Execute get_source.sh in the root repository to fetch the entire OpenJDK source.
$ cd /cygdrive/d
$ hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8
$ cd jdk8
$ bash ./get_source.sh
 If the script execution is successful, the contents of the folder will be as follows (probably)
$ ls
common              jaxp       make      test
configure           jaxws      Makefile  THIRD_PARTY_README
corba               jdk        nashorn
get_source.sh       langtools  README
  1. Start build.
$ bash ./configure

I got an error.

configure: Your cygwin is too old. You are running 3.0.7(0.338/5/3), but at least cygwin 1.7 is required. Please upgrade.
configure: error: Cannot continue
configure exiting with result code 1

It seems that the version of Cygwin is bad. At first glance, 1.7 or higher is required and it looks good because it is 3.X, but if you look at jdk8 / common / autoconf / basics_windows.m4, the following description is found.

    if test "x$CYGWIN_VERSION_OK" = x; then
      AC_MSG_NOTICE([Your cygwin is too old. You are running $CYGWIN_VERSION, but at least cygwin 1.7 is required. Please upgrade.])

Is it repelled except for 1.7 series? Since my knowledge of autotools is almost 0, I'm worried about whether to rewrite this setting to 1.7 or higher or fetch the old Cygwin of 1.7 series. It seems that learning is better if you do your best in the former.

That's all for today. Updated as needed as work progresses.

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