Problems and countermeasures for Otsu's binarization overflow in Python


Otsu's binarization is an algorithm that automatically determines the threshold value when binarizing an image. It is already implemented in libraries such as OpenCV, but I found an implementation in Python, so I touched it. There is a problem with the title, but I think it was probably caused by my bad execution environment.


The code itself was not written by me, but a quote from a blog [1] drawn by others. is.

#Binarization of Otsu (gray argument is a grayscale image)
def threshold_otsu(gray, min_value=0, max_value=255):

    #Histogram calculation
    hist = [np.sum(gray == i) for i in range(256)]

    s_max = (0,-10)

    for th in range(256):
        #Calculate the number of pixels in class 1 and class 2
        n1 = sum(hist[:th])
        n2 = sum(hist[th:])
        #Calculate the average of class 1 and class 2 pixel values
        if n1 == 0 : mu1 = 0
        else : mu1 = sum([i * hist[i] for i in range(0,th)]) / n1   
        if n2 == 0 : mu2 = 0
        else : mu2 = sum([i * hist[i] for i in range(th, 256)]) / n2

        #Calculate the numerator of interclass variance
        s = n1 * n2 * (mu1 - mu2) ** 2

        #Record the numerator and threshold of interclass variance when the numerator of interclass variance is maximum
        if s > s_max[1]:
            s_max = (th, s)
    #Get the threshold when the interclass variance is maximum
    t = s_max[0]

    #Binarization processing with the calculated threshold
    gray[gray < t] = min_value
    gray[gray >= t] = max_value

    return gray


When I polarized the photo below, I got an overflow warning.


RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in long_scalars
  s = n1 * n2 * ((mu1 - mu2) ** 2)

At that time, the threshold value becomes 137, which is far from 78 obtained when Otsu is binarized with OpenCV.


Running type (n1) and type (n2) on n1 and n2 resulted in \ <class'numpy.int32'>. Therefore, it is considered that the cause is that the calculation result exceeds the range of int32 type (-2147483648 to 2147483647) [[2]]( understanding-data-types.html).


I thought about two measures. The first is to change the type of n1 and n2 to float type. By adding one line as shown below, the type of hist changes, and as a result, the types of n1 and n2 also change.


#Histogram calculation
hist = [np.sum(gray == i) for i in range(256)]
hist = np.array(hist, dtype=np.float64)

The second is to use log. Since the relative magnitude of s is more important than the value itself, log is taken on both sides of s and the right side is decomposed (the result of taking log is a float type). Unless the contents are 1 and minus, the order does not change even if you take the log.


import math

#Calculate the numerator of interclass variance
#s = float(n1 * n2 * ((mu1 - mu2) ** 2))
if n1 == 0 or n2 == 0:
if mu2 >= mu1:
    s = math.log(n1)+math.log(n2)+2*math.log(mu2-mu1)
elif mu1 < mu2:
    s = math.log(n1)+math.log(n2)+2*math.log(mu1-mu2)

I was able to solve it safely. The picture below is the result of running the program. otsu.jpg

In addition, the threshold value was 79 (OpenCV is below the threshold, this program is binarized below the threshold), and it was confirmed that programming works normally. Finally, in the first and second, the former is overwhelmingly easier, but since it seemed interesting, I also posted the latter.

in conclusion

It is thought that the cause of the problem is that the mold is out of shape. It was a good study because I often suffer from typing when doing image processing in Python.

Thank you for watching until the end. If you have any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Reference URL

[1] [2]

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