Get pointers to struct members in Python ctypes

I wanted to do something like this with Python ctypes

typedef struct{
    int x;
    int y;
} point;
point p = {100, 200};
someFunc(&p.y); //Pass a pointer to y

Just where I wrote it normally

from ctypes import *

class Point(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("x", c_int), ("y", c_int)]

p = Point(100, 200)

TypeError: byref() argument must be a ctypes instance, not 'int'

Get angry The value you get with p.y is not a ctypes instance, it's just a (Python) int number, so you can't reference it by byref

do this

y_offset = Point.y.offset
y_addr = addressof(p) + y_offset

I got the pointer or the address itself, but it's probably the same.

Thanks Class object (of a subclass of Structure) .member name.offset Seems to be able to get the offset of that member from the beginning of the structure If you get the address of the beginning of the structure and add the offset, you can get the address of the member on a sunny day.

By the way Class object.member name.size You can get the size of that member with

If you use it a lot, it would be better to make it a function as follows.

def get_address_of_member(obj, member_name):
    return addressof(obj) + obj.__class__.__dict__[member_name].offset

p = Point(100, 200)
somedll.someFunc(get_address_of_member(p, "y"))

I don't think it's smart, but it's okay If there is a better way, I would appreciate it if you could teach me.

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