How to automatically check if the code you wrote in Google Colaboratory corresponds to the python coding standard "pep8"


Here's a summary of how to automatically check if Google Colaboratory supports pep8.


Do this first

!pip install pycodestyle flake8 pycodestyle_magic
%load_ext pycodestyle_magic

Add this to the beginning of the cell you want to check and execute


Execution example




2:7: E225 missing whitespace around operator
2:40: E231 missing whitespace after ','
3:15: E225 missing whitespace around operator
3:22: E231 missing whitespace after ','

The number on the left indicates the line and the number of characters that do not correspond to pep8.


It takes time to copy %% flake8 to all cells. .. .. Please let me know if there is a way to insert into all cells at once.

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