A liberal arts engineer tried knocking 100 language processes in Python 00

Although it is a liberal arts, I felt that language processing and machine learning would become the standard from now on, so I started thinking about touching it early. I would be grateful if you could comment in the comments!

The environment is Python 2.7 + macOS Sierra ver 10.12.3


Get a string of the characters "stressed" arranged in reverse (from the end to the beginning).


str = "stressed"
str = str[::-1]
print str

This is the basis of string manipulation and is called slice. It's pretty convenient to use

I haven't studied much about slicing, so I'll summarize it at a later date. I want to become more familiar with language specifications. .. ..

Reference: 100 knocks of language processing Chapter 1 in Python

Reference: Language processing 100 knocks 2015 1st day

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