Python 2-minute search and its derivation


I recently wrote an article about recursive functions. I didn't intend to use it, but it was for studying, but I needed an efficient search. It was saved because I should have just improved the published 2-minute search. Since it's a big deal, I'll publish that the improved function may be useful. (Although I'm actually using Javascript instead of Python, and it has a different implementation)

Find n


def binarySearchL(lt, n):
  l, r = 0, len(lt) - 1
  while l <= r:
    middleIndex = int(l + (r - l) / 2)
    middleValue = lt[middleIndex]
    if middleValue > n:
      l, r = l, middleIndex - 1
    elif middleValue < n:
      l, r = middleIndex + 1, r
      return middleIndex
  return -1

Find the smallest one greater than n


def binarySearchGt(lt, n):
  l, r = 0, len(lt) - 1
  while l <= r:
    middleIndex = math.floor(l + (r - l) / 2)  #Truncate
    middleValue = lt[middleIndex]
    if middleValue > n and r - l > 1:
      l, r = l, middleIndex
    elif middleValue <= n:
      l, r = middleIndex + 1, r
      return middleIndex
  return -1

Find the largest one less than n


def binarySearchLt(lt, n):
  l, r = 0, len(lt) - 1
  while l <= r:
    middleIndex = math.ceil(l + (r - l) / 2)  #Round up
    middleValue = lt[middleIndex]
    if middleValue >= n:
      l, r = l, middleIndex - 1
    elif middleValue < n and r - l > 1:
      l, r = middleIndex, r
      return middleIndex
  return -1

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