Arrange the numbers in a spiral shape

It is a program that arranges numerical values in a spiral shape as shown below.

25 10 11 12 13
24  9  2  3 14
23  8  1  4 15
22  7  6  5 16
21 20 19 18 17

Creation policy

I placed 1 in the center and made a round around it to place the numbers.

First place 1 in the center.


↓ Next, take one step on top of 1.


↓ Make a full turn clockwise.

2 3

↓ Go down

2 3
1 4

↓ Go to the left

  2 3
  1 4
7 6 5

↓ Go up

9 2 3
8 1 4
7 6 5

Repeat the above steps for the specified size.


A Python script.

# coding: utf-8

import itertools

#Arrange the numbers in a spiral shape
# 10 11 12 13
#  9  2  3 14
#  8  1  4 15
#  7  6  5

def spiral(n):
    N = (-1,  0)
    E = ( 0,  1)
    S = ( 1,  0)
    W = ( 0, -1)

    def advance(p, d):
        return p[0] + d[0], p[1] + d[1]

    path = [(0, 0)]
    for size in itertools.count(3, 2):
        if len(path) >= n: break

        p = path[-1]
        p = advance(path[-1], N) #Take one step up

        #Make a full turn clockwise
        for d in [E, S, W, N]:
            step = size-2 if d == E else size-1
            for _ in range(step):
                p = advance(p, d)


def display(path):
    m = { path[i] : i+1 for i in range(len(path)) }
    rs = [p[0] for p in m]
    cs = [p[1] for p in m]

    minrow, maxrow = min(rs), max(rs)
    mincol, maxcol = min(cs), max(cs)
    fmt = '%%%ds' % len(str(len(path)))
    for r in range(minrow, maxrow+1):
        for c in range(mincol, maxcol+1):
            if c > mincol:
                print(' ', end='')
            x = m[r, c] if (r, c) in m else ' '
            print(fmt % x, end='')

def main():
    while True:
        s = input("size> ")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Execution result

This is the execution result. size> is the prompt. If you specify a numerical value, that number will be arranged in a spiral shape.

size> 9
9 2 3
8 1 4
7 6 5
size> 25
25 10 11 12 13
24  9  2  3 14
23  8  1  4 15
22  7  6  5 16
21 20 19 18 17
size> 38
26 27 28 29 30 31
25 10 11 12 13 32
24  9  2  3 14 33
23  8  1  4 15 34
22  7  6  5 16 35
21 20 19 18 17 36
            38 37



@trsqxyz rewrote it.

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