I made my dog "Monaka Bot" with LineBot


I tried LineBot. I'm sorry for the money, so I built it with GAE. I used Python / Flask because Java is awkward.

Project generation with GCP

If you are new to this, it will come out.

Preparing app.yaml

The source looks like this.


runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: yes

- url: .*  # This regex directs all routes to main.app
  script: main.app

- name: ssl
  version: latest

At first, it fits without adding the ssl library.

Implementation of callback

When the user talks to the bot, the API specified in the callback is called. It's like calling Line's API in a callback and sending text and photos. Please refer to the manual and other qiita for callback settings.

The source looks like this.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging, random
import requests

from flask import Flask, request,Response

app = Flask(__name__)

LINE_ENDPOINT = "https://trialbot-api.line.me"
    "X-Line-ChannelID": "<See Basinc Information>",
    "X-Line-ChannelSecret": "<See Basinc Information>",
    "X-Line-Trusted-User-With-ACL": "<See Basinc Information>"

#Fixed message group
    "Wow! Come on! !!",
    "Yeah ... I want to ...",
    "Pee! Pee!",
    "Where did the owner go",
    "Shinotomo ~~~",
    "Ngu ~ ngu ~~",
    "Uo ・ e ・ oU",
    "Licking licking",
    "I want to lick my dog's hand",
    "I wonder if the rice has fallen",
    "Easy and easy",
    "dance! Dance dance! !!"

#Image group
    {"origin": "https://storage.googleapis.com/linebot-1275.appspot.com/monaka1.jpg ",
     "thumb": "https://storage.googleapis.com/linebot-1275.appspot.com/monaka1thum.jpg "}

def hello():
    return "line bot api"

@app.route("/callback", methods=["POST"])
def callback():
    # TODO Signature validation

    req = request.json["result"][0]

    if req["eventType"] == "138311609100106403":
The reception of friend requests comes here.
Send a thank-you message as soon as you apply.
TODO unverified

        send_text([req["from"]], u"Monaka. Thank you for your friend application.")

    elif req["eventType"] == "138311609000106303":
Come here when you receive a conversation message.
When you say "Monaka", a photo and a message are returned.
Other than that, the prepared text is returned at random.

        to = [req["content"]["from"]]
        if req["content"]["text"] == u"Monaka":
            #Send photo
            i = random.randint(0, len(IMAGES) - 1)
            send_picture(to, IMAGES[i])
            send_text(to, "What?")
            #Send Messege
            i = random.randint(0, len(TALKS) - 1)
            send_text(to, TALKS[i])

    #The return value is fixed at 200
    return Response(status=200)

def send_text(to, text):
Send text to to
    content = {
        "contentType": 1,
        "toType": 1,
        "text": text
    events(to, content)

def send_picture(to, img):
Send image to to
    content = {
        "contentType": 2,
        "toType": 1,
        "originalContentUrl": img["origin"],
        "previewImageUrl": img["thumb"]
    events(to, content)

def events(to, content):
Data for to(Text / images / videos)Send
    data = {
        "to": to,
        "toChannel": "1383378250",
        "eventType": "138311608800106203",
        "content": content
    r = requests.post(LINE_ENDPOINT + "/v1/events", json=data, headers=HEADERS)

setting static IP Address

The server is whitelisted, so if you don't set an IP Address, Line's server will return an error. However, since it is GAE, there is no fixed IP Address. When I tried to access it, I got a 403 error and the following message was displayed.

{"statusCode":"427","statusMessage":"Your ip address [] is not allowed to access this API."}

So, if you add this IP Address and move it

{"statusCode":"427","statusMessage":"Your ip address [,] is not allowed to access this API."}

Next, I was asked to set something that seems to be an internal IP Address, so I will set it obediently.

It worked. There is a high possibility that the IP Address will change someday and it will not work. I will leave the solution to me in the future.

Apply for a friend

It seems that you can do it from the QR code. (I didn't understand and suffered all the time) This time my dog "Monaka Bot"


You can add from.

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