Record global IP with python

A little explanation


The following is an example of getting it at here.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import requests
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
import codecs

class MYHTMLParser(HTMLParser): #Overriding the HTMLParser class
        def __init__(self): #Initialization
                self.mytag = ''

        def handle_starttag(self,tag, attrs): #Handler called read at the beginning of the tag
                if tag == 'p': #Tag identification
                        if (dict(attrs).get('name')=="ip"): #Attribute determination
                                self.mytag = 'ip'

        def handle_data(self,data): #Handler called read data
                if self.mytag == 'ip': #Attribute determination
                        self.mytag = '' #Initialize the flag here
                        print 'IP='+data
                        with'my_ip.txt','w','utf-8') as f:

def ip_get(myurl): #Main processing
        r = requests.get(myurl)
        r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding #Encoded because it could not be processed as it is

        with'my_ip.html','w','utf-8') as f:
                f.flush() #Just in case, I added it.

        with'my_ip.html','r','utf-8') as f:
                parser = MYHTMLParser()

if __name__ == '__main__':

The retrieved page is saved in `my_ip.html, and the IP is saved in `my_ip.txt. The encoding process is a painful result. .. ..

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