How to send a visualization image of data created in Python to Typetalk


I made it because I wanted to visualize the data using matplotlib and then send the results to Typetalk on a regular basis. This is a method to send the locally created image as it is without saving it.

Required library

How to make

import requests
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import io

image_buffer = io.BytesIO()
plt.plot([1,2,3]) #Draw a line graph
plt.savefig(image_buffer, format='jpeg') #Export here

token = '<Get the Typetalk bot token and assign it>'
topic_id = '<Substitute the topic ID posted by Typetalk>'

#URL for sending a message
message_url = f"{topic_id}?typetalkToken={token}"

#URL for file upload
upload_file_url = f'{topic_id}/attachments?typetalkToken={token}'

files = {'file': ('line.jpeg', image_buffer.getvalue(), 'image/jpeg')}

upload_file_result =, files=files)

#Confirmation of execution

fileKey = json.loads(upload_file_result.content)['fileKey']

message_result =, {'message': 'Today's result!', 'fileKeys[0]': fileKey})

#Confirmation of execution

Execution result

スクリーンショット 2020-05-20 20.29.44.png

Now you can monitor your data on a regular basis!

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