Create an image file using PIL (Python Imaging Library).

Runs on Python 2.7. It seems that PIL does not yet support Python 3 series.

What is PIL (Python Imaging Library)?

Python Imaging Library (PIL)

Python Imaging Library - Wikipedia

Image processing library. It seems that various image processing is implemented.

Sample for the time being

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Create an image file

import Image

def make_image(screen, bgcolor, filename):
Creating an image
    img ='RGB', screen,bgcolor)
    #Add various processes here

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Image size
    screen = (1024,768)

    #Image background color (RGB)

    #File name to save (File format is automatically determined from the extension)
    filename = "pil-01.png "

    make_image(screen, bgcolor, filename)


It is a script that just creates an image file (PNG format) without any twist.

Based on this script, we plan to add various image processing.

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