Create your own graph structure class and its drawing in python

Create your own graph structure class and its drawing with python

I couldn't solve the graph problem that was asked in D of ABC160 of AtCoder, so after studying python, I tried drawing a graph structure class and it with maatplotlib.

(Reflect on participating in AtCoder) Code I wish I had remembered when I first participated in AtCoder (Reflection 1 for the next time)

There seems to be *** NetworkX *** in the library that expresses the graph structure, but I will not use it this time. (Can't it be used with AtCoder in the first place?)

There are many smart ways to express it, Since it is an implementation within the range that an amateur can roughly think about, please forgive me for not being able to make it.

Graph structure class


The class has a dictionary with a node as a key and the tip of the edge as a value as a member variable. Prepare the following methods. ① Add a node ② Add an edge ③ Display the node ④ Return the node as a list ⑤ Return the node connected to the specified node

Class definition

#Creating a graph structure
class cglaph():
  def __init__(self):
    #Node initialization

  def addnode(self,num):#① Add a node
    for i in self.nodes.keys():
      if i==num:

  def addedge(self,ag1,ag2):#② Add an edge

    for i in self.nodes.keys():
      if i==node1:
        for j in self.nodes.keys():
          if j==node2:

    if addok:

  def printnodes(self):    #③ Display the node
    for k,v in self.nodes.items():

  def getnodes(self):#④ Returns a list of nodes

    for i in self.nodes.keys():
    return keylist

  def getedge(self, node):#⑤ Returns the edge (connected node) of the specified node.
    return self.nodes[node]

Let's actually make an undirected graph that connects 5 nodes appropriately

G.addnode(1)#Add node
G.addedge(1,2)#Add edge

G.printnodes()#List of nodes

nodelist=G.getnodes()#Get node list
print ("NODE LIST:",nodelist)

G.getedge(1)#Node connected to node 1


Visualization of the created graph structure

After studying matplotlib, let's visualize the graph we made. I didn't know what to do with the drawing position of the node, so We decided to place the nodes at random positions. I would like to think of a way to place it in a nice position in the future.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random

#Random because I don't know what to do with the node position
x=[random.randint(0, 100) for i in range(N)]
y=[random.randint(0, 100) for i in range(N)]

#Graph creation

#Node drawing

#Give the node name to the node position
for i in range(N):

#Draw an edge This is not smart
for i in range(N):
  for j in edges:
    plt.plot((x[i],x[j-1]),(y[i],y[j-1]), color='red')

plt.xlim(0, 100)
plt.ylim(0, 100)



I will finally start studying breadth-first search!


[Matplotlib] Annotations and Arrows

<Python, matplotlib> Add text to each element of the scatter plot.

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