[First team development ③] Share the development environment created with Docker

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[First team development ①] Hello, World! With friends [First team development ②] Build an environment with Docker [First team development ③] Share the development environment created with Docker (this article)

It is a continuation from Last time. Share the development environment created with Docker to team members through GitHub! This article is for illustration purposes, so the steps are from a team member's perspective.

(Addition) Recently, I feel that the number of people who are new to programming but want to take on the challenge of personal development has increased. So, I added some explanations such as terms and commands for beginners.


  1. Clone from the GitHub repository
  2. Docker installation (if not installed)
  3. Start Docker container
  4. Create a working branch

1. Clone from the GitHub repository

-Clone: Copy the state of files and directories

You can get the URL by visiting the GitHub repository page and clicking the "Code" button. スクリーンショット 2021-01-10 10.13.14.png Create a working directory and change to it.


$ mkdir project_name
$ cd project_name

Mkdir: Create directory (≒ folder) ・ Cd: Move to the specified directory

If you copy the URL above and type the following command in the terminal, a folder will be created in your current location.


$ git clone https://github.com/xxxx/xxxx.git

2. Docker installation

Install Docker suitable for the OS from Docker official page. After completing the settings, check the terminal to see if it is installed correctly.


$ docker -v
Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b
$ docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.25.4, build 8d51620a

-v: Option to check version

3. Start Docker container

Use docker-compose to start a Docker container. -Docker-compose: A convenient tool that allows you to operate multiple containers at the same time. Imagine an octopus manipulating multiple containers with many legs.


$cd GitHub repository name#Please move to the cloned folder
$ docker-compose up -d

-Docker-compose up: Container start command. --D: Option to start in the background.

If you can start the container normally, Access localhost: 3000 → If "Yay! You're on Rails!" Is displayed, it's OK! スクリーンショット 2021-01-10 11.22.12.png

Access localhost: 8080 → If "Welcome to Your Vue.js + TypeScript App" is displayed, it's OK! スクリーンショット 2021-01-09 21.46.03.png

[Other frequently used commands (Docker)] -$ Docker-compose stop: Stop the running container -$ Docker-compose down: Stop & delete the running container (Restore & start the container with $ docker-compose up -d again) -$ Docker-compose ps: Check the running container

4. Create a working branch

If you are referring to this article from Part 2, there should be two remote branches, main and develop. But locally there is only a main branch. So, adjust the status of your local branch to remote. -Local: Environment on your PC. -Remote: Here, it is a repository on GitHub.


$ git branch #Check your current local branch
* main
$ git fetch #Reflect the status of the remote branch locally
$ git branch -a #Check if it is reflected
* main
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
$ git checkout develop #Go to develop branch
$ git branch #Confirm that a new develop branch has been created
* develop

[Other frequently used commands (Git)] -$ Git stash: Temporarily save changes. Often used when switching branches. If you simply check out, the work content may be reflected halfway in other branches, so as a preventive measure. -$ Git stash apply: Reflect the stashed work contents to the current branch. -$ Git stash drop: Delete the stashed work contents

Reference site

The road from Git clone to building the environment and participating in the project (all in full)GitHub sharing method for team development beginners -How to build a vue.js development environment on Docker. Easy procedure to create with docker-compose. · Fetch remote branch locally [git fetch] [Sourcetree] -How to use "git stash" to temporarily avoid the contents before commit -Use the [Git] Stash command to temporarily save local changes

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