Get information on the 100 most influential tech Twitter users in the world with python.

This is the code to extract the handle name with Beautiful soup from the article of Business Insider called "100 Most Influential Technical Twitter Users" and get the Twitter account information with Twitter REST API.

The 100 Most Influential Tech People On Twitter

Such a page 100-influential-compressor.png

# coding: utf-8

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests,json
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, ReadTimeout, SSLError

res = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text)
count = 100

user_list = []
user = {}
for line in soup.body.get_text().split('\n'):
    if line.find('Occupation:') > -1:
        if len(user.keys()) != 0:
            user = {}
        print count, line
        user['rank'] = count
        user['occupation'] = line.replace('Occupation:','').replace(u'\xa0','')
        count -=1
    for c in ['@','Why:','Tech PI:','PI:']:
        if line.find(c) > -1:
            print '   ', line
            if line.find('Tech PI:') >-1 :
                user['tech_pi'] = line.replace('Tech PI:','').replace(u'\xa0','')
            elif line.find('PI:') >-1:
                user['pi'] = line.replace('PI:','').replace(u'\xa0','')
            elif line.find('@') >-1 :
                user['handle'] = line.replace('Handle:','') .replace(u'\xa0','').replace(u'@','') 
            elif line.find('Why:') >-1 :
                user['Why:'] = line.replace('Why:','').replace(u'\xa0','')

handle_list = [d['handle'] for d in user_list]

KEYS = { #Set the key you got with your account

twitter = OAuth1Session(KEYS['consumer_key'],KEYS['consumer_secret'],

url = ''
params = {'screen_name':','.join(handle_list)}
req = twitter.get(url, params = params)
user_list = json.loads(req.text)

for u in user_list:
    d_data = json.dumps(u, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    print d_data

The output looks like this.

100 Occupation: CEO/founder of News Corporation; Creator of FOX Broadcasting
    Handle: @rupertmurdoch
    Why: See how tech fits into the greater news cycle from Rupert himself. Yeah, he writes his own tweets.
    Tech PI: 83
    PI: 86
99 Occupation: Assistant professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill with her own tech site at
    Handle: @zeynep
    Why: Catch Zeynep's musings on everything ranging from international Web policies to  social justice.
    Tech PI: 84
    PI: 77
98 Occupation: Data Scientist in Residence at Accel, Scientist Emeritus at bitly, co-founder of HackNY, co-host of DataGotham, and member of NYCResistor
    Handle: @hmason
    Why: Hilary is on top of the chatter when it comes to today's tech news.
    Tech PI: 84
    PI: 77

The information fetched by REST API is retained in json.

  "contributors_enabled": false, 
    "created_at": "Sat Dec 31 18:29:24 +0000 2011", 
    "default_profile": true, 
    "default_profile_image": false, 
    "description": "", 
    "entities": {
        "description": {
            "urls": []
    "favourites_count": 13, 
    "follow_request_sent": false, 
    "followers_count": 570445, 
    "following": false, 
    "friends_count": 96, 
    "geo_enabled": false, 
    "id": 451586190, 
    "id_str": "451586190", 
    "is_translation_enabled": false, 
    "is_translator": false, 
    "lang": "en", 
    "listed_count": 7145, 
    "location": "", 
    "name": "Rupert Murdoch ", 
    "notifications": false, 
    "profile_background_color": "C0DEED", 
    "profile_background_image_url": " ", 
    "profile_background_image_url_https": " ", 
    "profile_background_tile": false, 
    "profile_image_url": " ", 
    "profile_image_url_https": " ", 
    "profile_link_color": "0084B4", 
    "profile_location": null, 
    "profile_sidebar_border_color": "C0DEED", 
    "profile_sidebar_fill_color": "DDEEF6", 
    "profile_text_color": "333333", 
    "profile_use_background_image": true, 
    "protected": false, 
    "screen_name": "rupertmurdoch", 
    "status": {
        "contributors": null, 
        "coordinates": null, 
        "created_at": "Fri Apr 10 12:33:22 +0000 2015", 
        "entities": {
            "hashtags": [], 
            "symbols": [], 
            "urls": [], 
            "user_mentions": []
        "favorite_count": 63, 
        "favorited": false, 
        "geo": null, 
        "id": 586507259578032128, 
        "id_str": "586507259578032128", 
        "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, 
        "in_reply_to_status_id": null, 
        "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, 
        "in_reply_to_user_id": null, 
        "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null, 
        "lang": "en", 
        "place": null, 
        "retweet_count": 89, 
        "retweeted": false, 
        "source": "<a href=\"!/download/ipad\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for iPad</a>", 
        "text": "Guardian today suggests my dad's expose of Gallipoli fiasco led to my anti-establishment views.  Maybe, but confirmed by many later \nevents.", 
        "truncated": false
    "statuses_count": 1423, 
    "time_zone": null, 
    "url": null, 
    "utc_offset": null, 
    "verified": true

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