I'm using django, but I can't remember how to make it first, so I'd like to have a cohesive memo.
cd Desktop
mkdir myblog
cd ec
Open the myblog folder you created earlier from the desktop folder.
Install pipenv with install and open virtual environment with shell
pipenv install
pipenv shell
pipenv install django
--dev: The following two are not required when uploading to the server side, so they are attached so that they will not be installed on the server side computer.
autopep8: Automatically formats to PEP8.
flake8: Three tools, pyflakes, pycodestyle, and mccabe, are put together to check if pycodestyle is set to pep8.
pipenv install --dev autopep8 flake8
django-admin startproject config .
TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Tokyo'
python manage.py migrate
init: launch git
add.: Add everything to git
commit: Save -m to add a message
git init
git add .
git commit -m "firstcommit"
Open a new repository from your own page on github, give it a Repository name, and create it. Copy the url that appears on subsequent pages. At the terminal
git remote add origin (Copyed url)
git push origin master
If you put everything together, it will be long, so this time I will stop here.
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