[Learning memo] How to make an application with Django ~ From virtual environment to pushing to github ~

I'm using django, but I can't remember how to make it first, so I'd like to have a cohesive memo.

Open a terminal and create a new folder with mkdir

cd Desktop
mkdir myblog
cd ec

Open the myblog folder you created earlier from the desktop folder.

Create a virtual environment

Install pipenv with install and open virtual environment with shell

pipenv install
pipenv shell

Install Django in your virtual environment.

pipenv install django

Install the development package

pipenv install --dev autopep8 flake8

Make a project

django-admin startproject config .

Modify settings.py


TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Tokyo'


python manage.py migrate

Add to git

git init
git add .
git commit -m "firstcommit"

Allow to push to github

Open a new repository from your own page on github, give it a Repository name, and create it. Copy the url that appears on subsequent pages. At the terminal

git remote add origin (Copyed url)
git push origin master

If you put everything together, it will be long, so this time I will stop here.

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