Using a Python program with fluentd's exec_filter Output Plugin

exec_filter Output Plugin (out_ecec_filter) is basically a filter that can be filtered using any program. For example, you can drop an unnecessary record for the next process, or save it somewhere as an error. Now let's use a Python program.


I tried as follows.

<match hoge>
  type       exec_filter
  command    /path/to/python -m myapp.fluent_stream_filter

  time_key   time
  in_format  json
  out_format msgpack

  buffer_type file
  buffer_path /path/to/buffer
  buffer_chunk_limit 8m
  buffer_queue_limit 64
  flush_interval 10s

  tag        fuga

I'm running it as a module with command so that import works well. In this case, it is not necessary to specify PYTHONPATH.

I'm using a file buffer because I need to restart fluend when I modify the code. The exec_filter Output plug-in is different from the exec Output plug-in, and the specified script waits for standard input after startup.


As requested by the exec_filter Output Plugin, the script must take standard input and output the result to standard output.

# coding=utf-8
fluentd out_exec_Code called by filter

Processes line by line from standard input and outputs the result to standard output
import json
import logging
import logging.config
import sys
import traceback

import msgpack

logger = logging.getLogger('fluent-exec')
logger.propagate = False

def main():
    stdin = sys.stdin

def readline(stdin):
    for line in stdin:
        yield line

def parse(lines):
    for line in lines:
        yield json.loads(line)

def validate(rows):
    """Error data removal"""
    for row in rows:
		     #Some kind of inspection
        except Exception, e:
        yield row

def convert(rows):
    """Some conversion process"""
    for row in rows:
        # do something
        yield row

def output(rows):
	"""Exhale to standard output"""
    for row in rows:

if __name__ == '__main__':'Start main')
    except Exception, e:
        raise e'End main')

It is customary to pass __name__ to logging.getLogger, but here the content is'__main__' because the script is started, so the name of the logger is specified by a character string.

Test code

It may be better for methods that handle standard input to receive stdio as a parameter. I couldn't find a way to use the standard input as it is in the test, so I passed an instance of StringIO so that I could read the test data.

# coding=utf-8
import types
from StringIO import StringIO

from import ok_, eq_

from myapp import fluent_stream_filter

class TestAll(object):
    def test_readline(self):
        """readline test, sys.Pass StringIO instead of stdin"""
        stdin = StringIO()

        stream = fluent_stream_filter.readline(stdin)
        ok_(isinstance(stream, types.GeneratorType))
        eq_(, u'{Contents of the first line}')

    def test_parse(self):
        """parse test"""
        stream = fluent_stream_filter.parse(iter(['{...}', '{...}']))
        ok_(isinstance(stream, types.GeneratorType))
        eq_(, {...})
        eq_(, {...})

    # (Abbreviation)

Attention in log output

If you spit out a log other than the processing result to the standard output, for example, you cannot parse it as MessagePack or JSON, so an error will occur on the fluentd side. To prevent accidents such as the ConsoleHandler being set in the root logger and unintentionally spitting logs to standard output

logger.propagate = False

It is safe to do

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