Cleaning Backlog with Python


I used the Public API from Python to organize the Backlog. As a memorandum.


If you notice it, it's the end of the year. In the flow of the story, the place where I am in charge of cleaning is Backlog. We have a lot of issue management systems that we are indebted to on a daily basis.

What I wanted to do

Extraction of issue tickets for which no person has been set and automation of the process of assigning new people. I can't put it away on my own, so I decided to assign a person in charge to clarify the responsibility. At a glance, there are dozens of tickets for which the person in charge has not been set, and it is judged that it is troublesome to insert them manually. I want to do it automatically using a tool.

Source commentary

Command settings

from setuptools import setup

    author='The name of the person who made it',
    author_email='Contact email address',
    entry_points="""\    #←←←←←←←← This!!!!!!!!!!!!
      wariate = update_assignee_id:main
) has a lot of useful features, one of which is entry_points. It's the same as pserve in Pyramid's, which saves you the trouble of running python commands. It's small, but it's useful when the name of the python file is long or the hierarchy is deep.

Example) If you want to run the tool without setting entry_points, activate it first

(venv)python /User/tool/backlog/ --api-key=uiwejaefdhpasid8fpa8etw3to

If you run the tool with entry_points set, activate it first (venv)wariate --api-key=uiwejaefdhpasid8fpa8etw3to

Optional parser

"""execute update assignee id

usage: wariate (--api-key=<api-key>)

    --api-key=<api-key>     api key

from docopt import docopt

def main():
    args = docopt(__doc__)

Pick up only the document at the beginning of the Python file and the main function. If you write it like this, it will check the required arguments. There are Other useful functions, so you should use them. Unlike other parsers, it refers to documents, so it is also an advantage that you can avoid the situation where only documents are left unmaintained.

API execution

import json
import requests

__API_KEY = '?apiKey={}'

def get_project_ids(api_key):
    r = requests.get(__PROJECT_END_POINT + __API_KEY.format(api_key))
    projects = json.loads(r.text)
    return list(map(lambda project: project['id'], projects))

Pick up the part to get the list of project IDs. After all, requests is a push, and it is easy to use it as an intuitive source that can be read by humans. By the way, this source has been confirmed to work with Python 3.5. In the case of Python2 series, I feel that the return type of the map function was a list, so in the case of 2 series, I feel that type conversion to list was not necessary. Perhaps.

Pick up records that have not been set by the person in charge

    'statusId[]': [1, 2, 3],
    'sort': 'assignee',
    'order': 'asc'

def get_issues(api_key, project_ids):
    is_continue = True
    params = __GET_ISSUE_QUERY
    params['projectId[]'] = project_ids
    while is_continue:
        r = requests.get(__ISSUE_END_POINT + __API_KEY.format(api_key), params=params)
        issues = json.loads(r.text)
        for issue in issues:
            if issue['assignee'] is None:
                yield issue
                is_continue = False

It is possible to get a list of issues by specifying a specific person in charge, but the person in charge cannot intentionally pick up an unset issue (API specification). Therefore, I did not dare to narrow down the person in charge, but sorted the person in charge in ascending order and responded by bringing in the issues for which the person in charge was not set first.

What is patch

def update_issue(issue, api_key):
    base_url = '/'.join([__ISSUE_END_POINT, issue['issueKey']]) + __API_KEY.format(api_key)
    params = {
        'assigneeId': issue['createdUser']['id']
    r = requests.patch(base_url, params)
    if r.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception('update error occurred:{}'.format(issue['issueKey']))

By doing this, the person in charge can be updated by the creator. I'm ashamed to know the request category called patch for the first time. As a proper use with post post → whole update patch → Partially updated It seems. I learned something.


We are such a company, but if you are interested, we would be grateful if you could contact us from at the bottom of our engineer blog top page of Qiita. We look forward to!

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