3. Natural language processing with Python 3-3. A year of corona looking back at TF-IDF

We will look back on the past year by TF-IDF analysis for news articles related to the new coronavirus.

** ⑴ Document creation **

** 1. Data source **

** 2. Data acquisition and preprocessing **

Moon article
Main events
1 64 1/6 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare calls attention "Pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan, China"
1/16 First confirmed infected person in Japan, Chinese man traveling to Wuhan
2 210 2/3 Cruise ship confirmed to be infected by passengers, entering Yokohama port
2/13 A woman in her 80s living in Kanagawa prefecture who died for the first time in Japan
3 88 3/9 Expert meeting calls for avoidance of "three dense"
3/24 Decided to postpone the Tokyo Olympics
4 320 4/7 Declaration of emergency in the Greater Tokyo Area and 7 prefectures of Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka
4/16 Expand the state of emergency nationwide
5 357 5/4 State of emergency extended until May 31
5/25 Completely lift the state of emergency
6 65 6/Alleviate self-restraint from moving across 19 prefectures nationwide
6/29 Over 500,000 dead in the world
7 35 7/3 Over 200 people infected in Japan for the first time in 2 months
7/22 GoTo Travel Start/795 people infected daily in Japan, the highest number ever
8 18 8/17 4-June GDP is 27 annually.8%Decrease
8/20 Countermeasures subcommittee views that the epidemic has reached its peak
9 7 9/5 WHO “Vaccine distribution will start in the middle of next year”
9/18 GoTo Travel Reservation to / from Tokyo lifted
10 12 10/1 GoTo eat start
10/12 Rapid spread of infection in Europe
11 25 11/19 The number of domestically infected people reached a record high for the second consecutive day
11/20 Government Subcommittee Recommendations for Government to Review GoTo
12 15 12/14 GoTo Travel Stopped all over Japan
12/17 Tokyo, 822 new infections per day, to the highest alert level
Total 1216

** 3. Upload text file **

from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()



** 4. Reading a text file **

#Fill the arithmetic progression from 1 to 12 with 0 and make it 2 digits
months = ['{0:02d}'.format(i) for i in range(1,13,1)]

docs = []
for month in months:
    #Generate file name
    file_name = "nipponcom_covid19_2020-" + month + ".txt"
    #Read as text
    with open(file_name, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
        text = f.read()


** ⑵ Overview of data **

** 1. Monthly number of extracts and vocabulary **

import pandas as pd

metrics = []
for doc in docs:
    value = []
    #Split with whitespace as delimiter
    words = pd.Series(doc.split(" "))
    #Count the number of elements
    #Count the number of unique elements

#Formatted to data frame
names = ["Number of extracts", "Vocabulary number"]
months = ['{0}Moon'.format(i) for i in range(1, 13, 1)]
pd.DataFrame(metrics, columns=names, index=months)


** 2. Top 10 words of monthly appearance frequency **

from collections import Counter

rank_frequency = []
for doc in docs:
    value = []
    #Split with whitespace as delimiter
    words = pd.Series(doc.split(" "))
    #Count the number of unique vocabularies
    cnt = Counter(words)
    v = cnt.most_common(10) #Top


import numpy as np

#Get the top 10 words each month
ranking = []
for a in rank_frequency:    
    temp = []
    for i in a:
        for n in range(0,10,1):
            j = i[n]

#Data frame
data = np.array(ranking).T
rank = ['{0}Rank'.format(i) for i in range(1, 11, 1)]
pd.DataFrame(data, columns=months, index=rank)


** ⑶ TF-IDF analysis **

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

#Generate model
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(smooth_idf=False)
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(docs)

#Data frame
values = X.toarray()
feature_names = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
month_num = ['{0:02d}'.format(i) for i in range(1,13,1)]
df_score = pd.DataFrame(values, columns = feature_names, index=month_num)



for i in range(0,12,1):
    monthly_rank = []
    df_score_ = df_score[i:i+1].T
    df_score_sorted = df_score_.sort_values(month_num[i], ascending=False)


result = []
for i,j in zip(range(0,12,1), month_num):
    test = df_score[i:i+1].T
    #Get the top 10 words
    test_sorted = test.sort_values(j, ascending=False)
    test_rank = test_sorted.head(10)
    #Extract only noun labels
    r = test_rank.index



** ⑷ Comparison of frequency of occurrence and TF-IDF analysis **

** Top 10 words of appearance frequency **


** Top 10 words of TF-IDF **


** ⑸ Transition of new words **

import itertools

#Specify October
n = 10

word_list = []
for i in range(0,n,1):
    df = df_score[i:n-1]
    df = df.loc[:, (df != 0).any(axis=0)]
    word = list(df.columns)

#Flatten to one dimension
word_list = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(word_list))



#Extract only this month
df_current = df_score[n-1:n]
df_current = df_current.loc[:, (df_current != 0).any(axis=0)]

#Removal of existing words
for i in word_list:
    if i in df_current:
        df_current = df_current.drop(i, axis=1)

# TF-Extract the top 10 words of IDF
df_current = df_current.T
df_sorted = df_current.sort_values(str(n), ascending=False)



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