[Java] I want to make it easier because it is troublesome to input System.out.println.


While writing a rock-paper-scissors RPG in Java, writing `` `System.out.println``` every time was quite troublesome, so I tried to find out how to make it easier.

I think it will be easier with extensions, but this time I will try from a different direction.

** The general flow is **

--Create a method for console output --Replace the previously described System.out.println with the method name.

The main subject from here

In the commentary, I will try to adapt to only one of the three classes.

Code so far


public class Judge {
	public void startJanken(Player player1, Player player2) {
		System.out.println("[Start rock-paper-scissors]\n");
		for (int cnt = 0;cnt < 3; cnt++) {
			//Determine which one won
			Player winner = judgeJanken(player1,player2);
			if(winner != null) {
			}else {
				System.out.println("It's a draw");
		System.out.println("Rock-paper-scissors finished");
		Player finalWinner = judgeFinalWinner(player1,player2);
		if (finalWinner != null) {
			System.out.println(finalWinner.getName()+"Is the winner");
		}else {
			System.out.println("It's a draw");
	private Player judgeJanken(Player player1,Player player2) {
		Player winner = null;
		int player1hand = player1.showHand();
		int player2hand = player2.showHand();
		if((player1hand == Player.stone && player2hand == Player.scissors)||
				(player1hand == Player.scissors && player2hand == Player.paper)||
				(player1hand == Player.paper && player2hand == Player.stone)) {
			winner = player1;
		}else if((player1hand == Player.stone && player2hand == Player.paper)||
				(player1hand == Player.scissors && player2hand == Player.stone)||
				(player1hand == Player.paper && player2hand == Player.scissors)) {
			winner = player2;
		return winner;
	private Player judgeFinalWinner(Player player1,Player player2) {
		Player winner = null;
		int player1WinCount = player1.getWinCount();
		int player2WinCount = player2.getWinCount();
		if(player1WinCount > player2WinCount) {
			winner = player1;
		}else if(player1WinCount < player2WinCount) {
			winner = player2;
		return winner;
	private void printHand(int hand) {
		switch(hand) {
		case Player.stone:
		case Player.scissors:
		case Player.paper:


Try adding a method like the one below

       //here! !! !!
	public static void put(String str) {

Then, instead of typing System.out.println, I could only do put```


public class Judge {
	public void startJanken(Player player1, Player player2) {
		put("[Start rock-paper-scissors]\n");
		for (int cnt = 0;cnt < 3; cnt++) {
			//Determine which one won
			Player winner = judgeJanken(player1,player2);
			if(winner != null) {
			}else {
				put("It's a draw");
		put("Rock-paper-scissors finished");
		Player finalWinner = judgeFinalWinner(player1,player2);
		if (finalWinner != null) {
			put(finalWinner.getName()+"Is the winner");
		}else {
			put("It's a draw");
	private Player judgeJanken(Player player1,Player player2) {
		Player winner = null;
		int player1hand = player1.showHand();
		int player2hand = player2.showHand();
		if((player1hand == Player.stone && player2hand == Player.scissors)||
				(player1hand == Player.scissors && player2hand == Player.paper)||
				(player1hand == Player.paper && player2hand == Player.stone)) {
			winner = player1;
		}else if((player1hand == Player.stone && player2hand == Player.paper)||
				(player1hand == Player.scissors && player2hand == Player.stone)||
				(player1hand == Player.paper && player2hand == Player.scissors)) {
			winner = player2;
		return winner;
	private Player judgeFinalWinner(Player player1,Player player2) {
		Player winner = null;
		int player1WinCount = player1.getWinCount();
		int player2WinCount = player2.getWinCount();
		if(player1WinCount > player2WinCount) {
			winner = player1;
		}else if(player1WinCount < player2WinCount) {
			winner = player2;
		return winner;
	private void printHand(int hand) {
		switch(hand) {
		case Player.stone:
		case Player.scissors:
		case Player.paper:

       //here! !! !!
	public static void put(String str) {

It's a method, so it may be a little troublesome when crossing classes, but it's a lot easier lol

About replacement

In my case, I knew it on the way, so I had to rewrite everything I had written so far to `` `put```.

I was just studying Linux, so try using the `sed command`

Basic syntax of the sed command

~$ sed -e s/Character before replacement/Character after replacement/g [file name]

―― “-e” may or may not be present --If g is not entered, replace only the first character

There are various things such as, but I will omit them here.

Now, replace it at the terminal!


~$ sed -e s/System.out.println/put/g Judge.java 

public class Judge {
	public void startJanken(Player player1, Player player2) {
		put("[Start rock-paper-scissors]\n");
		for (int cnt = 0;cnt < 3; cnt++) {
			//Determine which one won
			Player winner = judgeJanken(player1,player2);
			if(winner != null) {
			}else {
				put("It's a draw");
		put("Rock-paper-scissors finished");
		Player finalWinner = judgeFinalWinner(player1,player2);


	public static void put(String str) {

Check the file


~$ cat Judge.java 

public class Judge {
	public void startJanken(Player player1, Player player2) {
		System.out.println("[Start rock-paper-scissors]\n");
		for (int cnt = 0;cnt < 3; cnt++) {
			//Determine which one won
			Player winner = judgeJanken(player1,player2);
			if(winner != null) {
			}else {
				System.out.println("It's a draw");
		System.out.println("Rock-paper-scissors finished");
		Player finalWinner = judgeFinalWinner(player1,player2);


	public static void put(String str) {

I thought that the replacement was completed here, but when I checked it with an editor, it was not replaced. ..

When I looked it up here, the sed command was only seen in the preview and was not actually reflected.

I want you to actually reflect it, so if you look it up Optional `` `-i``` (reflected directly in the file)

So I will try again

~$ sed -i -e s/System.out.println/put/g Judge.java

#### **`tarminal.`**

~$ cat Judge.java public class Judge {

public void startJanken(Player player1, Player player2) {
	put("[Start rock-paper-scissors]\n");
	for (int cnt = 0;cnt < 3; cnt++) {
		//Determine which one won
		Player winner = judgeJanken(player1,player2);
		if(winner != null) {
		}else {
			put("It's a draw");
	put("Rock-paper-scissors finished");
	Player finalWinner = judgeFinalWinner(player1,player2);


public static void put(String str) {


 It is reflected firmly.

 After that, the method has also been replaced, so I wonder if I should fix it.

### result
 It became easier (^ ∀ ^)

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