[Pyto] Operate iPhone Taptic Engine with Python


Some iPhones are equipped with a device called Taptic Engine. This is a device that creates the feel of pressing the home button instead of being a physical button. A click feeling occurs when you press and hold something other than the home button or when payment is completed.

I tried to operate this Taptic Engine using an application called Pyto.


iPhone SE (2020)(iOS13.4.1) Pyto(11.9)

Taptic Engine and Haptic Feedback

I understand that Taptic Engine is a device that generates a click feeling, and that click feeling is called Haptic Feedback.

Types of Haptic Feedback

There are three types of Haptic Feedback on the iPhone. Here I referred to the site of [1]. Here It is also described in detail on the [2] site.

type function
UIImpactFeedbackGenerator React once. 3 levels of strength can be selected
UISelectionFeedbackGenerator For selection UI. The weakest reaction
UINotificationFeedbackGenerator For notification of success or failure. There are three types

How to write in Pyto

You can use ʻUIKit in Pyto. This is a function that allows you to touch Objective-C, like ʻobjc_util in Pythonista. Actually, it is a library called rubicon-objc, and it seems that Objective-C is operated using this. Pyto UIKit source code

It seems that you can minimize the delay by putting prepare () before calling, but it is optional. The feeling I tried didn't make a difference with or without it. prepare documentation


You can adjust the strength in 3 steps. 0 is the weakest.

import UIKit

generator = UIKit.UIImpactFeedbackGenerator.alloc().init()

power = 0  # 0~3 stages of 2
generator.initWithStyle(power)  #Set strength
generator.impactOccurred()  #Activate

UISelectionFeedbackGenerator The strength cannot be adjusted.

import UIKit

generator = UIKit.UISelectionFeedbackGenerator.alloc().init()
generator.selectionChanged()  #Activate

UINotificationFeedbackGenerator You can choose from 3 types of reactions. Success (ton ** ton ) = 0, Warning ( ton ton ) = 1, Error ( ton ton **) = 2.

import UIKit

generator = UIKit.UINotificationFeedbackGenerator.alloc().init()
mode = 0  # 0~3 types of 2.
generator.notificationOccurred(mode)  #Activate

A program that tries three at once

This is a code that tests all the strengths of the above three types at once.

import UIKit
import time

generator = UIKit.UIImpactFeedbackGenerator.alloc().init()
generator2 = UIKit.UISelectionFeedbackGenerator.alloc().init()
generator3 = UIKit.UINotificationFeedbackGenerator.alloc().init()

print("impact start")
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):

print("selection start")
for i in range(10):

print("notification start")
for i in range(3):

in conclusion

It took me some time to realize that I should write .alloc (). Init ().

Reference site

[1] https://qiita.com/WorldDownTown/items/2b5a72e41a95763727bb (How to use UIFeedbackGenerator and a convenient library) [2] https://note.com/tdksk/n/nb4498e59dcad (Effective micro-interaction with Haptic Feedback in iPhone app) [3] https://qiita.com/griffin_stewie/items/298f57ca3f1714ebe45c (I got the iPhone 7 so I immediately tried the Taptic Engine API) [4] https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uifeedbackgenerator?language=objc#2555399 (UIFeedbackGenerator) [5] https://rubicon-objc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/tutorial-2.html (Rubicon Tutorial 2)

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