Memo to switch between python2 series and 3 series in anaconda environment of mac (win is also added)

I'm new to python, so I want to try various libraries. However, I don't want to spend time rebuilding the environment by doing something strange. Therefore, I want an environment that does not affect the entire OS even if I do various things, and I am looking for various things.


Building a conda environment

Use conda for the switching environment. I will try docker next time. This time, we will also introduce a tensorflow environment at the same time.

I don't want to break the mac environment, so First, download the anaconda formula from the following and install it.

of course, $ bash But it seems that the minimum environment such as miniconda is fine.

Individual environment construction

Well, when conda comes in,

$ conda create -n py2tf python=2.7 anaconda $ source activate py2tf You can enter the environment with the above source activate. When entering the environment, characters such as (py2tf) are added to the beginning and can be identified.

(py2tf)$ conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow (py2tf)$ source deactivate

In the above example, tensorflow is also installed in addition to the 2.7 environment. In addition to tensorflow, there are many that support conda installation. It seems that additional installation is possible with pip etc. even if it is not supported (see the link at the end of the book) What you install in conda does not affect other environments. (Recognition)

Then build 3.5 series $ conda create -n py3tf python=3.5 anaconda $ source activate py3tf (py3tf)$ conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow (py3tf)$ source deactivate

How to use

Enter the environment $ source activate py3tf

Get out of the environment (py3tf)$ source deactivate

List of created environment $ conda info -e

Search for environments in conda $ conda search tenorflow

update of conda $ conda update conda

Browse installed packages in your environment $ conda list If you run it in an environment, a list of packages in that environment. If you run it outside the environment, a list of packages included in the mac itself. Or, execute by specifying the environment $ conda list -n py3tf

Delete environment conda remove -n py3tf --all

Export the library installed by conda And build the environment from the above file conda list --export > conda_requirements.txt conda create -n my_new_env --file conda_requirements.txt Is the following environmental output method the mainstream?

Environment output, build environment from output file conda env export > environment.yml conda env create -f environment.yml

I referred to the following articles.

** For Windows 10 **

Download and install Anaconda from the website. (Executable file format)

PATH to python and conda. By default, it should be installed around the following. 'C:\Users"user name"\Anaconda3' 'C:\Users"user name"\Anaconda3\Scripts'

The rest is the same as for MAC.

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