Introducing a Plugin that solves a few problems when coding Python in Vim.
Plugin with IDE-level features such as python-mode, jedi-vim Is nice, but the Plugin that can reach the itchy place is also good.
python_match.vim A plugin that enhances% (matchit) for python.
You will be able to move between keywords such as if / else / else, for / continue / break, try / except / else / finally, while / continue / break with%. It doesn't seem to support for / else at the moment.
Personally, this is the most Life Changing Plugin I'll introduce this time. Makes Django Template's built-in tags correspond to text-objects. I don't use the essential text-objects so much, but it works with matchit.vim to matchit between blocks / endblocks. I'm happy to be. It didn't seem to support the elif tags added since Django 1.4 so far, so I tried [pullreq]( 2). It depends on textobj-user, so let's include it as well.
indentpython.vim It is a Plugin that makes the indentation PEP8 compliant. When used in combination with autopep8, there will be no cases of receiving fine tsukkomi around the indent.
Other small Plugins include django.vim, python-syntax. ), Python-indent was also included, but with the latest Vim 7.4, there is no problem even if it is not included, or it conflicts with other Plugins. I stopped using it because I was doing it. Regular reviews are important. ..
matchit important. Also, the small Plugin is easy to contribute a little if vim-script and English are somehow understood.
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