We will implement the optimization algorithm (harmony search)


A series of optimization algorithm implementations. First, look at Overview.

The code can be found on github.

Harmony search


Harmony Search is an algorithm created by focusing on the thoughts of musicians when improvising. I think the musician has decided the original phrase of the following idea.

reference ・ Introduction to Evolutionary Computation Algorithms Optimal Solutions Derived from Behavioral Sciences of Organisms




problem Harmony search
One element of input Chord (phrase)
Input to the problem harmony
Evaluation value ハーモニーのEvaluation value
Variable name meaning Remarks
bandwidth Bandwidth Adjustment rate when adjusting chords
select_rate Probability of generating a new chord
change_rate Probability of adjusting chords

Duplicate chords

Use the target chord as it is.

x^{new}_i = x^r_i

Adjust and use chords

Adjust with the following formula.

x^{new}_i = x^r_i + B \times rand[-1,1]

$ B $ is the bandwidth, a user-specified variable.

Bandwidth improvement

This article is original.

In the above formula, the value of $ B $ is highly dependent on the lower and upper limits of the one element in question. So instead of using $ B $ directly, I chose a percentage.

B' = B * (Prob_{max} - Prob_{min})

Whole code

import math
import random

class Harmony():
    def __init__(self, 
        enable_bandwidth_rate=False,  #Whether bandwidth is a percentage or a value
        self.harmony_max = harmony_max
        self.bandwidth = bandwidth
        self.enable_bandwidth_rate = enable_bandwidth_rate
        self.select_rate = select_rate
        self.change_rate = change_rate

    def init(self, problem):
        self.problem = problem

        self.harmonys = []
        for _ in range(self.harmony_max):

    def step(self):

        #Create a new harmony
        arr = []
        for i in range(self.problem.size):
            if random.random() < self.select_rate:
                #Generate new chords

            #Select one harmony
            h_arr = self.harmonys[random.randint(0, self.harmony_max-1)].getArray()

            if random.random() < self.change_rate:
                #Change chords
                if self.enable_bandwidth_rate:
                    #Specify bandwidth as a percentage
                    bandwidth = self.bandwidth * (self.problem.MAX_VAL - self.problem.MIN_VAL)
                    bandwidth = self.bandwidth
                n = h_arr[i] + bandwidth * (random.random()*2-1)
                #Duplicate chords

        harmony = self.problem.create(arr)

        #Replace if the new harmony has a higher rating than the worst harmony
        self.harmonys.sort(key=lambda x: x.getScore())
        if self.harmonys[0].getScore() < harmony.getScore():
            self.harmonys[0] = harmony

Hyperparameter example

It is the result of optimizing hyperparameters with optuna for each problem. One optimization trial yields results with a search time of 5 seconds. I did this 100 times and asked optuna to find the best hyperparameters.

problem bandwidth change_rate enable_bandwidth_rate harmony_max select_rate
EightQueen 0.199731235367978 0.007945406417271816 False 8 0.05285166540946163
function_Ackley 0.6478593586012942 0.37819472248801433 False 24 0.0045960067336094125
function_Griewank 0.957845478793464 0.6531645473958932 False 19 0.0065542485084037
function_Michalewicz 0.3020087834816175 0.0063312721531867296 False 8 0.009704544614251957
function_Rastrigin 0.9244843154507476 0.003091269983721383 False 19 0.005363972453695971
function_Schwefel 0.6525179901987925 0.6847228820427808 False 24 0.017390991518258108
function_StyblinskiTang 0.012259017079907453 0.005592287367206683 True 5 0.010574637751612243
function_XinSheYang 0.021452540527582796 0.5116052912533812 False 43 0.000560227904147548
g2048 0.5208515497767559 0.9192443470308422 False 6 0.025020522147974456
LifeGame 0.12412374231584394 0.3047344866221531 True 15 0.3351269586087304
OneMax 0.6404754184189828 0.11674742823674397 True 3 0.21323358379499358
TSP 0.9991577906059103 0.026545669987045384 False 35 0.026355483052867487

Visualization of actual movement

The 1st dimension is 6 individuals, and the 2nd dimension is 20 individuals, which is the result of 50 steps. The red circle is the individual with the highest score in that step.

The parameters were executed below.

Harmony(N, bandwidth=1.0, enable_bandwidth_rate=True, select_rate=0.4, change_rate=0.9)

















Replacing the individual with the lowest evaluation value is a feature not found in other algorithms. The reason why learning seems slow in the image is that only one individual is evaluated in one step. (Cuckoo search is similar, 1 step ≒ 1 individual evaluation)

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