We will implement the optimization algorithm (Kujira-san algorithm)


A series of optimization algorithm implementations. First, look at Overview.

The code can be found on github.

Kujira's algorithm


The Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) is an algorithm created by focusing on the predatory behavior of whales. Whales prey on prey by swarm behavior called bubble nets. The bubble net seems to be an action of hunting down and preying on prey while drawing a circle as shown in the figure.


reference ・ Kujira-san algorithmWhale Optimization Algorithm


Find the prey by choosing one of the three actions of approaching the prey, searching for the prey, and drawing a circle.


problem Kujira's algorithm
Input to the problem Whale position ≒ prey position
Evaluation value クジラの位置におけるEvaluation value
Variable name meaning Remarks
a_decrease Decrease value of a It moves randomly at first and approaches its prey in the second half. a is the transition speed
logarithmic_spiral Logarithmic spiral coefficient The bigger it is, the bigger it moves when it turns

Approaching prey

I wrote that it is approaching the prey, but I do not know where the prey is actually, so I treat the whale with the highest evaluation at present as a prey and approach it.

First, issue $ \ vec {A} $ and $ \ vec {C} $.

\vec{A} = 2a\vec{r_1} - a
\vec{C} = 2\vec{r_2}

$ \ vec {r_1} $ and $ \ vec {r_2} $ are random numbers from 0 to 1 in the same dimension as the coordinates. $ a $ is a variable that decreases step by step from the initial value 2. ($ 2 \ geqq a \ geqq 0 $)

here\vec{A}Norm (|\vec{A}|) Is 1 or less, act closer to the prey, If they are different, they will look for prey.

The formula for approaching prey is as follows.

\vec{D} = |\vec{C} \vec{X_{best}}(t) - \vec{X}(t)|
\vec{X}(t+1) = \vec{X_{best}}(t) - \vec{A}\vec{D}

$ \ Vec {X} $ represents your coordinates and $ \ vec {X_ {best}} $ is the most highly rated whale. The code is as follows.

import numpy as np

a = 2  #Decrease every step

r1 = np.random.rand(problem.size)  # 0-Generate a random number of 1
r2 = np.random.rand(problem.size)  # 0-Generate a random number of 1

A = (2.0 * np.multiply(a, r1)) - a
C = 2.0 * r2

i =Index of target whale

if np.linalg.norm(A) < 1:
    pos = np.asarray(whales[i].getArray())  #Coordinates of the target whale
    best_pos = np.asarray(best_whale.getArray())  #Best whale coordinates

    D = np.linalg.norm(np.multiply(C, best_pos) - pos)
    pos = best_pos - np.multiply(A, D)

Search for prey

Explained in approaching prey|A|If is 1 or more, it approaches the prey. The approach is the same as when "approaching the prey", only the target whale has changed from the most rated whale to a random whale.

\vec{D} = |\vec{C} \vec{X_p}(t) - \vec{X}(t)|
\vec{X}(t+1) = \vec{X_p}(t) - \vec{A}\vec{D}

$ \ vec {X_p} $ is the coordinates of a random whale.

import numpy as np

i =Index of target whale

if np.linalg.norm(A) >= 1:
    pos = np.asarray(whales[i].getArray())  #Coordinates of the target whale
    p_pos = np.asarray(whales[random.randint(0, len(whales)-1)].getArray())  #Random whale coordinates

    D = np.linalg.norm(np.multiply(C, p_pos) - pos)
    pos = p_pos - np.multiply(A, D)

Draw a circle

The circle is drawn by the following formula based on the prey (the whale with the maximum evaluation value).

\vec{D'} = |\vec{X_{best}}(t) - \vec{X}(t)|
\vec{X}(t+1) = \vec{D'} e^{bL} \cos(2 \pi L) + \vec{X_{best}}(t)

$ b $ is the coefficient of the logarithmic spiral (is logarithmic_spiral) and $ L $ is a random value of [-1, 1].

import numpy as np

i =Index of target whale

pos = np.asarray(whales[i].getArray())  #Coordinates of the target whale
best_pos = np.asarray(best_whale.getArray())  #Best whale coordinates

D = np.linalg.norm(best_pos - pos)
L = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, problem.size)  # [-1,1]Random number
_b = logarithmic_spiral
pos = np.multiply(np.multiply(D, np.exp(_b*r)), np.cos(2.0*np.pi*r)) + best_pos

Spiral graph

I drew a circle, but I tried to see how it was moving.

The x-axis of the graph is a random number from -1 to 1 ($ L $), and the y-axis is the distance traveled. If it is a mathematical formula, only the following part is graphed.

spiral = \vec{D'} e^{bL} \cos(2 \pi L)

It is a graph when $ b $ (logarithmic_spiral) is fixed to 1 and only $ \ vec {D'} $ is changed. Since $ \ vec {D'} $ represents the Euclidean distance between you and your prey (best whale), it can be said that it represents the change in movement depending on the distance to your prey.


You can see that the farther away you are, the more likely you are to move.

This time it is the case of changing $ b $ (logarithmic_spiral). $ D'$ is fixed at 1.


As with $ D'$, the larger the $ b $, the greater the change.

Whole code

The whole code. When creating the code, I refer to Code here.

import math
import random

import numpy as np

class WOA():
    def __init__(self, 
        whale_max,         #Number of whales
        a_decrease=0.001,  #Decreased value of variable a
        logarithmic_spiral=1,  #Logarithmic spiral coefficient
        self.whale_max = whale_max
        self.a_decrease = a_decrease
        self.logarithmic_spiral = logarithmic_spiral

    def init(self, problem):
        self.problem = problem

        self.best_whale = None
        self.whales = []
        for _ in range(self.whale_max):
            o = problem.create()

            if self.best_whale is None or self.best_whale.getScore() < o.getScore():
                self.best_whale = o.copy()
        self._a = 2

    def step(self):

        for whale in self.whales:
            pos = np.asarray(whale.getArray())

            if random.random() < 0.5:
                r1 = np.random.rand(self.problem.size)  # 0-Random number of 1
                r2 = np.random.rand(self.problem.size)  # 0-Random number of 1

                A = (2.0 * np.multiply(self._a, r1)) - self._a
                C = 2.0 * r2

                if np.linalg.norm(A) < 1:
                    #Approaching prey
                    new_pos = self.best_whale.getArray()
                    #Search for prey
                    new_pos = self.whales[random.randint(0, len(self.whales)-1)].getArray()
                new_pos = np.asarray(new_pos)

                D = np.linalg.norm(np.multiply(C, new_pos) - pos)
                pos = new_pos - np.multiply(A, D)

                best_pos = np.asarray(self.best_whale.getArray())

                D = np.linalg.norm(best_pos - pos)
                L = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, self.problem.size)  # [-1,1]Random number
                _b = self.logarithmic_spiral
                pos = np.multiply(np.multiply(D, np.exp(_b*L)), np.cos(2.0*np.pi*L)) + best_pos

            if self.best_whale.getScore() < whale.getScore():
                self.best_whale = whale.copy()

        self._a -= self.a_decrease
        if self._a < 0:
            self._a = 0

Hyperparameter example

It is the result of optimizing hyperparameters with optuna for each problem. One optimization trial yields results with a search time of 5 seconds. I did this 100 times and asked optuna to find the best hyperparameters.

problem a_decrease logarithmic_spiral whale_max
EightQueen 0.020366541568838378 1.5723091675627572 45
function_Ackley 0.012846425355295324 1.817054209171554 49
function_Griewank 0.014055305155620233 1.5507180701447845 48
function_Michalewicz 0.019651164901908023 1.7671279692872293 46
function_Rastrigin 0.0173318428180831 0.7578390758302801 46
function_Schwefel 0.007491644624065206 1.6917050129680944 9
function_StyblinskiTang 0.024426401837372255 1.9474471085818506 50
function_XinSheYang 0.005722874915111857 0.4779624408790928 24
g2048 0.043666294831303784 1.09050483219953 37
LifeGame 0.0054058667884643585 0.06834119701477159 50
OneMax 0.014922301994610046 0.8650190784964947 27
TSP 0.0287871077043457 1.3855183848189636 45

Visualization of actual movement

The 1st dimension is 6 individuals, and the 2nd dimension is 20 individuals, which is the result of 50 steps. The red circle is the individual with the highest score in that step.

The parameters were executed below.

WOA(N, a_decrease=2/50, logarithmic_spiral=1)

















It gathers in a nice way while swirling around. However, once it converges, it will not escape from it, so it seems important how to control the value of a.

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