Created a ρ method program that decrypts elliptic curve cryptography with python. Since integer calculation has no limit on the number of digits, it could be created in one day. A python program is set up and posted on An example of deciphering a 30,40,50,60-bit elliptic curve is also posted. Even if I changed the program ( to Rho.txt, I had a hard time posting it. WordPress turned out to be unuploadable if there was an import in the text. The inverse element (1 / a (mod p)) and the method multiplication (a * b (mod p)) are as defined. This cryptanalysis is about 15 times slower than C + gmp and about 30 times slower than C + self-made multiple times. Inverse element and to evaluate slowness in python (pointer save) We plan to create a high-speed version of the ρ method that uses the C method for method multiplication.
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